A little more culture shock

“Talent. Do we have the right talent? How do we recruit and retain talent?” That was Steve Ballmer’s (paraphrased) answer to the question “What keeps you up at night?” posed by a Microsoft employee at the company’s annual marketing symposium today. If I hadn’t realized I was at a different…

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Culture Shock, Part 3

Another little bit of cultural differences. Microsoft has a vast art collection (Oracle had some too), including a large, low sculpture made of wood that is right outside my building. Unfortunately, the wood has been rotting. Apparently, it’s due to moisture. Which is surprising, because dead wood normally doesn’t deteriorate…

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Culture shock, part two

I mentioned a few bits of culture shock when I blogged about my first two days at Microsoft. This past week, I’ve almost become obsessed with the differences between the two companies. Yes, OK, there are some major business differences. But it’s the little things that blow my mind. Here’s…

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A new city: finding gas

Last night, I returned my rental car. Normally, this would be an unremarkable event. But as a new resident of Seattle, it proved to be quite a challenge. Why? Because I needed to fill up the tank up with gas. The map below is centered on the car return location…

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A new apartment

I wrote a check for an apartment yesterday. It’s not ideal: the lease is only for six months because the owners of the building are trying to sell. Worst-case scenario, I have to move again in six months. But on the bright side, it’s an almost new building a mere…

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First trip to Portland

This weekend was my first trip to Portland. Mom had flown in from New Jersey to visit the girls and the kids, so I figured I might as well drive down so we could all spend a little bit of time together. Ellie’s birthday is two weeks from now, and…

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Day One (and Two)

Yesterday was Day One at Microsoft. All day orientation. An interesting experience. Part of the day included an incredibly detailed description of Microsoft’s health plan. Two hours. My new boss summarized the plan as “Microsoft pays for everything.” After a point, hearing how this is covered and that is covered…

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